Ultimate guide to building insurance vs home insurance
What is the difference between building and home insurance? Find out the different coverage types available in our building vs home insurance guide.
Rent repayment orders (RROs) are on the rise, learn more in our guide for landlords
One of the key problems for many councils trying to improve their local private rented housing is that they lack the powers and funding to do it.
One of the most contentious and debated areas of the Rented Homes legislation is abolishing Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions.
Labour's Renters' Rights Bill ends 'no fault' evictions, boosting tenant protections.
Tenancy agreements: read this guide before you write yours - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A guide to landlords' and tenants' property repair responsibilities - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
2024 Total Property Survey reveals rising rents, regulatory challenges, and energy efficiency trends in the rental market.
Angharad Trueman shares her journey in property, championing women, attracting young talent & tackling key challenges. Tune in for expert insights!
Labour’s Renters' Rights Bill: Key changes for landlords in England.
Guarantors are a solution for landlords who are worried tenants may not pay the rent. Find out who can be a guarantor and when to use one.
Here, we take a look at the biggest risks landlords are likely to face when it comes to their rental properties and share our top tips for protecting
What does service charge mean? And more importantly, who is responsible for paying it – the landlord or the tenant?
Landlord fines: How much are the charges and how do you avoid them? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Key dates for landlords: What does 2024 have in store? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Tax deadline on 31 January: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What is the difference between building and home insurance? Find out the different coverage types available in our building vs home insurance guide.
Keep tenants safe with EICR checks and essential electrical safety tips.
How to make sure you and your tenants have a happy Christmas - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A review of what’s happened in the rental market in 2023, including legislation and economic changes that have affected landlords
Housing hotspots in 2025 - where should you invest? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Comprehensive guide to UK landlord taxes: stamp duty, rental income, capital gains, and tips to reduce tax liability for property investors.
LandlordZONE Ep 1: Thriving as a landlord under the Renters’ Rights Bill.
For the seventh year, Total Landlord, has been awarded the 'Best Landlord Insurance Provider' at the Insurance Choice Awards 2024.
Autumn Budget 2024: Higher stamp duty for new buy-to-let but no big tax changes for landlords.
Discover the pros & cons of guaranteed rent in the private rental sector! Get expert insights from Elliot Leigh to see if it’s right for you.
Identify and prevent damp, mould and condensation in your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Damp and mould: a tenant's checklist - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
One of the less discussed pieces of reform is the effective abolishment of Assured Shorthold Tenancies (AST).
The Renters' Rights Bill aims to end rent bidding wars, limit rent increases, and make it easier for tenants to challenge excessive rises.
New Private Rented Sector Database to improve transparency, tenant checks, and landlord compliance.
Stay updated on the Renters’ Rights Bill and Awaab’s Law, new legal protections for tenants.
The Decent Homes Standard sets a minimum standard for all social housing in England and Northern Ireland.
The 2024 Renters' Rights Bill reforms evictions, rent rules, tenant rights, and property standards, boosting security for renters.
Major issue: many landlords reject benefit-receiving tenants, sparking heated debate in the private rental sector.
Research shows that 45% of landlords don’t want pets in their property – our guide covers how to rent to tenants with pets
All private landlords will have to join the Private Rented Sector Ombudsman, which is aimed at supporting quicker and cheaper resolution of disputes.
Discover strategies to handle bad tenants, manage rent arrears, property damage, and safeguard your rental with screening and legal tips.
Prepare your property for floods with risk assessments and safety tips.
Are you compliant with smoke and carbon monoxide alarm regulations? - the latest from Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Fire door safety - what are a landlord's responsibilities? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to preparing your boiler for winter - the latest from the Total landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Ultimate guide to gas safety and landlord gas safety certificates - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to fire safety regulations for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Discover the essentials of landlord liability insurance, including coverage, legal duties, risk reduction, and claim handling to protect your property
Everything landlords need to know about an inventory check and schedule of condition, including how to carry out a check-in and out report
Subsidence: what is it, how do you spot it and what should you do if you have it? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlords and tenants must ensure safe storage and charging of e-bike, e-scooter, and EV lithium batteries.
The Property Cast assesses Labour's impact on landlords with Sean Hooker.
Experts debated Labour's housing targets, planning reforms, and possession laws.
Short-term tenancy agreements: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlord's guide to buy to let mortgages: rates, tips, and calculators.
Guide to Leasehold Reform Act 2024: Changes in ground rent, lease extensions, and differences from freehold ownership.
The ultimate guide to securing your rental property to make it burglar proof - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
End of tenancy cleaning and inventory checklist - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A guide on wear and tear vs. damage, and how to calculate claims against a tenant’s deposit.
The ultimate landlord guide to student properties - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What is malicious damage and how can you reduce your risks? Find out all you need to know in our ultimate guide to malicious damage insurance.
What is licensing - and do I need a landlord licence to let my property? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The growing threat of cannabis cultivation for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The Renters (Reform) Bill includes plans to end the use of rent review clauses.
In this guide, we cover the evictions process and what is changing with the Renters Reform Bill introduction
The Renters (Reform) Bill, which was introduced to Parliament on 17 May 2023, represents perhaps the biggest shake-up to the private rented sector for
The ultimate guide to short term let and holiday let insurance - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A landlord’s guide to how to build a property portfolio, including criteria for multi-property portfolio mortgages.
How to reduce the stress of being a landlord - Read more on Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre!
Allowing for accidental damage - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate landlord guide to choosing a letting agent - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What are the key maintenance issues to address in the spring? We explain the steps you need to take to prolong the life and value of your property.
Chancellor's budget brings tax cuts, VAT & child benefit rises but cuts for property investors. Key updates for landlords detailed.
A comprehensive commercial property guide to responsibilities and benefits for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Knowledge Centre!
Who is responsible for the garden maintenance of a rented property? - the latest from Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
International Women's Day spotlights the progress and challenges of women in traditionally male-dominated fields like property.
Legislation for landlords: Everything you need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Joining a landlord association is a valuable step for landlords navigating the complex and changing lettings market.
The ultimate guide to right to rent checks - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to avoid burst pipes in your rental property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Total Property will provide a dedicated home for the HFIS group’s property products and services, which are well recognised in the private rented sector.
Comprehensive information and advice on the key stages in being a landlord and letting and managing property legally - from creating a buy to let investment strategy to ending a tenancy.
We wanted to find out just how much landlords are doing to be the best landlords possible, so we came up with a quiz.
Protecting your rental property against storms - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Explore the comprehensive Ultimate Landlord's Guide to 'Abandonment Notices,' offering invaluable insights and practical tips for landlords navigating the complexities of property abandonment issues.
Tom Entwistle, founder of LandlordZONE, shares his ten top tips to help landlords be successful in 2024.
Economic and property market update for 2024 - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
In our final episode of 2023, we unpack the year’s top property stories.
This article provides guidance for non-resident landlords letting a property in the UK.
Read this guide for an end of tenancy checklist covering everything you need to do as a landlord
What do landlords need to know about energy efficiency laws (MEES)? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Ultimate guide to having an eco-friendly property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Around 40% of National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) members say they rent to tenants on Universal Credit
Renters reform: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Should you manage your rental property and tenants yourself, or use a letting agent?
Get winter ready: everything you need to protect your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Knowledge Centre!
How to legally increase rent to align with rising property prices - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Renting to family or friends may seem convenient, but as Tom Entwistle’s experiences and advice highlight, it's not without risks.
Most landlords take a deposit to protect their investments and property when letting, but what are the pros and cons of taking a deposit?
Why you need a tenant welcome pack and what you should include - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to gain access for a landlord gas inspection - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to make the right business plan (and become a better landlord) - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A deposit protection guide for landlords, covering deposit protection scheme options and the end of tenancy deposit process
The ultimate guide to letting an HMO property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
One of the key problems for many councils trying to improve their local private rented housing is that they lack the powers and funding to do it.
One of the most contentious and debated areas of the Rented Homes legislation is abolishing Section 21 ‘no fault’ evictions.
Tenancy agreements: read this guide before you write yours - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Labour’s Renters' Rights Bill: Key changes for landlords in England.
Guarantors are a solution for landlords who are worried tenants may not pay the rent. Find out who can be a guarantor and when to use one.
What does service charge mean? And more importantly, who is responsible for paying it – the landlord or the tenant?
Landlord fines: How much are the charges and how do you avoid them? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Key dates for landlords: What does 2024 have in store? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What is the difference between building and home insurance? Find out the different coverage types available in our building vs home insurance guide.
How to make sure you and your tenants have a happy Christmas - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A review of what’s happened in the rental market in 2023, including legislation and economic changes that have affected landlords
Housing hotspots in 2025 - where should you invest? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
For the seventh year, Total Landlord, has been awarded the 'Best Landlord Insurance Provider' at the Insurance Choice Awards 2024.
Autumn Budget 2024: Higher stamp duty for new buy-to-let but no big tax changes for landlords.
Discover the pros & cons of guaranteed rent in the private rental sector! Get expert insights from Elliot Leigh to see if it’s right for you.
One of the less discussed pieces of reform is the effective abolishment of Assured Shorthold Tenancies (AST).
The Renters' Rights Bill aims to end rent bidding wars, limit rent increases, and make it easier for tenants to challenge excessive rises.
New Private Rented Sector Database to improve transparency, tenant checks, and landlord compliance.
Stay updated on the Renters’ Rights Bill and Awaab’s Law, new legal protections for tenants.
The Decent Homes Standard sets a minimum standard for all social housing in England and Northern Ireland.
The 2024 Renters' Rights Bill reforms evictions, rent rules, tenant rights, and property standards, boosting security for renters.
Major issue: many landlords reject benefit-receiving tenants, sparking heated debate in the private rental sector.
Research shows that 45% of landlords don’t want pets in their property – our guide covers how to rent to tenants with pets
All private landlords will have to join the Private Rented Sector Ombudsman, which is aimed at supporting quicker and cheaper resolution of disputes.
Fire door safety - what are a landlord's responsibilities? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Experts debated Labour's housing targets, planning reforms, and possession laws.
Short-term tenancy agreements: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
End of tenancy cleaning and inventory checklist - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What is licensing - and do I need a landlord licence to let my property? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The growing threat of cannabis cultivation for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The Renters (Reform) Bill includes plans to end the use of rent review clauses.
In this guide, we cover the evictions process and what is changing with the Renters Reform Bill introduction
Allowing for accidental damage - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
International Women's Day spotlights the progress and challenges of women in traditionally male-dominated fields like property.
Total Property will provide a dedicated home for the HFIS group’s property products and services, which are well recognised in the private rented sector.
We wanted to find out just how much landlords are doing to be the best landlords possible, so we came up with a quiz.
Tom Entwistle, founder of LandlordZONE, shares his ten top tips to help landlords be successful in 2024.
Economic and property market update for 2024 - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Renters reform: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to legally increase rent to align with rising property prices - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Renting to family or friends may seem convenient, but as Tom Entwistle’s experiences and advice highlight, it's not without risks.
Most landlords take a deposit to protect their investments and property when letting, but what are the pros and cons of taking a deposit?
Why you need a tenant welcome pack and what you should include - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to gain access for a landlord gas inspection - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
When is a landlord responsible for council tax? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
It is illegal to rent out a property in the UK without having a gas safety certificate and an electrical safety certificate and complying with minimum
Why you need a landlord electrical safety certificate - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Cladding and building exteriors: How to check yours is safe - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Underground services claims are not common, but they can be costly.
A summary of the current proposals to abolish Section 21 no fault evictions, which will mean an end to ASTs, and how these changes under the Renters’ Reform Bill will impact landlords.
The basics of being a good landlord - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Insurance premium and index linking Q&A - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Why landlords need to understand how index linking affects their let - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How can you protect your mental health as a landlord? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Infographic: When fire starts! Insurance claims 2016-2021 - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlord voice: Are your properties prepared for winter? - the latest from the Total landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to minimise landlord insurance claims during the hazardous winter months - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlord voice: the cost of living crisis - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How insurance can support landlords during the cost of living crisis - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Homes failing to measure up to floor plans - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlord voice: Student lettings - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to make sure you have the right student landlord insurance - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
HMO tenancy agreements: what do you need to include? - the latest from the Total Landlord Knowledge Centre!
How to ensure you are compliant with current landlord regulation - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The difference between a bedsit and an HMO - the latest from the Total landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Accidental landlords - Do you have consent to let your property? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How much rent to charge? Some things to consider - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
5 ways to cope with losing mortgage interest tax relief - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Seven surprising reasons why you need landlord insurance - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to manage garden maintenance in a rental property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How will stamp duty changes affect landlords? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Paying council tax on an empty property: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Why and where to invest in buy to let property in Europe in 2021 - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Are you compliant with the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlord advice: A tenant repayment plan in the fallout of COVID-19 - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Have you protected your tenant's deposit in a licensed government scheme? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Boilers, heating and hot water: What are landlords' legal responsibilities? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Legislation for UK landlords: How to ensure you are compliant - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Deposits and deposit alternatives: Introducing choice - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The top five boiler problems and how to solve them - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What could a change in government mean for landlords? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Six crucial tips for building a property portfolio - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Beyond compliance - how to be a model landlord - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to prevent your tenant falling into arrears and what to do if it happens anyway - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance knowledge Centre
10 ways to add value to your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre!
Understanding security deposits and property damage in 2020 for landlords and tenants - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Legal advice for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Is your letting agent signed up to a client money protection scheme? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to protect your property against snow this winter - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Buying, selling and letting a property with a history of subsidence - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What can landlords do about anti-social wasps? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What does build to rent mean for buy to let? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Victorian plumbing: a ticking time bomb for landlords? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What landlords need to know about client money protection - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
No fault Section 21: A red herring? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to disclose undeclared rental income - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The article explains landlord and tenant responsibilities for pest control in rental properties, covering legal duties, infestations, and solutions.
A stopcock is a valve that controls water flow to a property. Landlords and tenants should know its location, whether internal or external.
A revealing survey conducted by Total Landlord showcases notable progress in landlords’ responsiveness to tenants’ needs and their adherence to compliance standards, compared to previous years.
We wanted to find out what landlords are doing to be the best they can be, so we ran a quiz. The responses showed that most landlords are doing all they can and more. Read some of the results.
2024 Total Property Survey reveals rising rents, regulatory challenges, and energy efficiency trends in the rental market.
Angharad Trueman shares her journey in property, championing women, attracting young talent & tackling key challenges. Tune in for expert insights!
LandlordZONE Ep 1: Thriving as a landlord under the Renters’ Rights Bill.
The Property Cast assesses Labour's impact on landlords with Sean Hooker.
In our final episode of 2023, we unpack the year’s top property stories.
Our latest podcast discusses how the proposed changes to evictions will affect landlords.
In this bonus episode of The Property Cast, our experts explore their thoughts on the much anticipated Renters (Reform) Bill.
We explore Propertymark’s perspective on the impact of the proposed legislation on lettings, landlords and agents
The Property Cast - Top property stories of 2022 - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Demystifying damp, mould and condensation for landlords and agents - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Navigating soaring energy bills and the cost of living crisis - Property podcast - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Legislation: What do landlords and agents need to know? - The Property podcast - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Decarbonising the rented sector - what do landlords need to know? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
An agent's take on the future of the PRS - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
In this legislation special of The Property Cast, Eddie and Paul are joined by David Smith, head of property litigation at JMW Solicitors
Drawing on Zoopla’s latest data and Executive Director at Zoopla, Richard Donnell's expertise, we explore the most important trends in the housing market, sharing their predictions for buy to let in 2023 and what they mean for landlords looking to invest or divest.
Rent repayment orders (RROs) are on the rise, learn more in our guide for landlords
Labour's Renters' Rights Bill ends 'no fault' evictions, boosting tenant protections.
A guide to landlords' and tenants' property repair responsibilities - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Here, we take a look at the biggest risks landlords are likely to face when it comes to their rental properties and share our top tips for protecting
Tax deadline on 31 January: what landlords need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Keep tenants safe with EICR checks and essential electrical safety tips.
Comprehensive guide to UK landlord taxes: stamp duty, rental income, capital gains, and tips to reduce tax liability for property investors.
Identify and prevent damp, mould and condensation in your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Damp and mould: a tenant's checklist - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Discover strategies to handle bad tenants, manage rent arrears, property damage, and safeguard your rental with screening and legal tips.
Prepare your property for floods with risk assessments and safety tips.
Are you compliant with smoke and carbon monoxide alarm regulations? - the latest from Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to preparing your boiler for winter - the latest from the Total landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Ultimate guide to gas safety and landlord gas safety certificates - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to fire safety regulations for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Discover the essentials of landlord liability insurance, including coverage, legal duties, risk reduction, and claim handling to protect your property
Everything landlords need to know about an inventory check and schedule of condition, including how to carry out a check-in and out report
Subsidence: what is it, how do you spot it and what should you do if you have it? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Landlords and tenants must ensure safe storage and charging of e-bike, e-scooter, and EV lithium batteries.
Landlord's guide to buy to let mortgages: rates, tips, and calculators.
Guide to Leasehold Reform Act 2024: Changes in ground rent, lease extensions, and differences from freehold ownership.
The ultimate guide to securing your rental property to make it burglar proof - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A guide on wear and tear vs. damage, and how to calculate claims against a tenant’s deposit.
The ultimate landlord guide to student properties - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What is malicious damage and how can you reduce your risks? Find out all you need to know in our ultimate guide to malicious damage insurance.
The Renters (Reform) Bill, which was introduced to Parliament on 17 May 2023, represents perhaps the biggest shake-up to the private rented sector for
The ultimate guide to short term let and holiday let insurance - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A landlord’s guide to how to build a property portfolio, including criteria for multi-property portfolio mortgages.
How to reduce the stress of being a landlord - Read more on Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre!
The ultimate landlord guide to choosing a letting agent - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
What are the key maintenance issues to address in the spring? We explain the steps you need to take to prolong the life and value of your property.
Chancellor's budget brings tax cuts, VAT & child benefit rises but cuts for property investors. Key updates for landlords detailed.
A comprehensive commercial property guide to responsibilities and benefits for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Knowledge Centre!
Who is responsible for the garden maintenance of a rented property? - the latest from Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Legislation for landlords: Everything you need to know - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Joining a landlord association is a valuable step for landlords navigating the complex and changing lettings market.
The ultimate guide to right to rent checks - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to avoid burst pipes in your rental property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Comprehensive information and advice on the key stages in being a landlord and letting and managing property legally - from creating a buy to let investment strategy to ending a tenancy.
Protecting your rental property against storms - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Explore the comprehensive Ultimate Landlord's Guide to 'Abandonment Notices,' offering invaluable insights and practical tips for landlords navigating the complexities of property abandonment issues.
This article provides guidance for non-resident landlords letting a property in the UK.
Read this guide for an end of tenancy checklist covering everything you need to do as a landlord
What do landlords need to know about energy efficiency laws (MEES)? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Ultimate guide to having an eco-friendly property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Around 40% of National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) members say they rent to tenants on Universal Credit
Should you manage your rental property and tenants yourself, or use a letting agent?
Get winter ready: everything you need to protect your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Knowledge Centre!
How to make the right business plan (and become a better landlord) - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A deposit protection guide for landlords, covering deposit protection scheme options and the end of tenancy deposit process
The ultimate guide to letting an HMO property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
How to handle the eviction process - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Finding the best landlord insurance for you - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to tenant referencing - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Whether you’re letting out one or two properties or managing a buy to let portfolio, you’ll need to plan how to market and advertise your rental property to find and keep the best tenants.
How to avoid underinsurance - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A landlord’s checklist for renting, including landlords’ legal obligations, fire safety risk assessment, tenants’ welcome packs and rental insurance.
What should I do if my tenants can't pay rent? - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance knowledge Centre
Surviving the cost of living crisis: The ultimate guide for landlords - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to inspecting your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
25 years of supporting buy to let: How the market has transformed - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance knowledge Centre
The impact of climate change on your property - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The ultimate guide to Japanese knotweed - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
The journey - a 25 year history of renting in the UK - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Property maintenance tips for all seasons - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Is your property safe? How to rent a safe home - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
Tenant advice: Spot the signs - the latest from the Total Landlord Knowledge Centre!
10 years of property claims: when disaster strikes - the latest from the Total Landlord Insurance Knowledge Centre
A landlord’s guide to investing in property - how to create a buy to let property investment plan to secure the returns you need